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Task: Develop a ready to be implemented capacity building programme for public institutions responsible for the regional and local development policy and its' implementation. Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova (SFPL in MD) is a representative office of the Polish state treasury foundation (Solidarity Fund PL) established to contribute to development of the partnering countries. The Fund is guided by the Board chaired by the minister of foreign affairs responsible for cooperation for development. The Fund is an implementing partner of Polish cooperation for development program - Polish aid. For the last 10 years SFPL in MD cooperates with MIRD to contribute to development and efficient implementation of regional and urban policies, incl. urban revitalization, capacity building programmes, practical exercises and tailor-made projects of the central public authorities, regional institutions, and local authorities in the field of local development. In the new context of the Republic of Moldova's pre-accession to the EU, specific expertise and capacities on planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting under shared management is scarce. For enabling the main stakeholders to assimilate and manage in a proper way the aspects of the EU regional policy a comprehensive plan to prepare the institutions responsible for regional and local development is needed. Development of the program was included as one of the actions in the annual action plan of MIRD for 2023. In this regard, SFPL in MD initiates a call for a service provider to develop the capacity building programme. The goal of developing capacity building programme for public institutions responsible for the regional and local development policy and its' implementation is to ensure an efficient mid-term planning and designing the measures on increasing knowledge, strengthening capabilities of the relevant stakeholders in understanding the principles of the EU regional policy and cohesion funds management and its' adaptation to the local context, in the sense of their qualitative preparation for the pre-accession phase (theoretical and conceptual elements, awareness and practical skills, behaviours and attitudes). Task: Develop a ready to be implemented capacity building programme for public institutions responsible for the regional and local development policy and its' implementation. Target group: The programme is addressed mainly to the employees of the public administration institutions responsible for the regional and local development policy and its' implementation, incl.: Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development; 5 Regional Development Agencies (RDAs); Regional Development Councils (RDCs), and National Office for Regional and Local Development (NORLD). Objectives:
More details about duties and responsibilities, deliverables, the evaluation criteria, and the application procedure can be found by accessing the Terms of Reference. Duties:
Requirements for applicants:
The dossier must be sent to the email address: procurements@solidarityfund.md, with the title of the message: Services - Capacity Building Programme - Regional Development, specifying the application format in the content of the message (email): company, expert group, or independent expert. Application deadline: August 7, 2023, 11:00 a.m. The selected provider will be contacted to negotiate the contract. * The applicant has the right to establish independently the confidentiality limits of the provided data and to mention which of the attached documents to the offer are confidential. ** Personal data will be processed by Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova exclusively for the purpose of carrying out the procurement process, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force. Individuals have the right to portability of the provided data and rectification. Personal data will not be transmitted to other third parties without the prior consent of the applicant. If you have any questions about your personal data, you can contact us at info@solidarityfund.md. *** For the transparency purpose of the procurement process, the results of the auction with information on the selected provider will be published on the Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova website. Participation in the auction by sending documents signifies acceptance of the publication of the results of the contest, except for information marked as confidential. **** Until signing the Service providing Agreement, the selected Service Provider shall sign a declaration of conformity. |