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The EaP PLUS project is proud to launch its call for applications for its first ever cluster grant scheme. The call is open from June 15th 2017 to September 30th 2017.

29.06.2017   2929 Views  

EaP PLUS is launching its first EaP-EU cluster cooperation grant scheme

The EaP PLUS grant scheme was born from the ambition to further enhance EU-EaP research and innovation partnerships through cluster and cluster-like organisation cooperation. The scheme aims at strengthening clusters in EaP countries, transferring the EU’s – and, when relevant, the EaP countries’ - good practices, and facilitating sustainable inter-cluster cooperation between the EU and EaP countries’ existing or emerging clusters.

EaP PLUS offers six grants in total of up to 10.000€ to EaP clusters or cluster-like legal entities or organisations.The grant covers the expenses of the cooperative activites between the EaP and EU clusters only. The call is targeted to cluster and cluster-like initiatives in EaP and EU countries only. To be elegible, you must be a cluster or cluster-like organisation from one of the six EaP countries, and have a partnering cluster organisation from one of the 28 EU Member States. 

To apply, please read carefully the Call for Applications and fill in the Application document attached belowPlease note that incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration by the evaluators. We ask that you submit an Application form, a signed and dated letter of consent from the partner European cluster organisation, a short presentation of the EU and EaP clusters (PDF, PPT) and the link/screeenshot to the EU cluster profile on the ECCP to the indicated contact email adress.  

For questions concerning the grant scheme, please email Morgane Veillet Lavallée at m.veilletlavallee@inno-group.com. Please note that individual EaP country contact points are listed in the Call for Applications

We wish you every success with your application! 

The EaP PLUS Team

More details: https://www.eap-plus.eu/object/call/89